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2015年01月2台北買房頭期款9日 20:36
By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterA pre-Lunar New Year holiday military exercise was held in Taichung yesterday to simulate a landing by Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) amphibious units, with the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot participating in the drill.The exercise simulated a PLA naval formation of destroyers, amphibious vessels and escort ships conducting a training drill in the Taiwan Strait, but abruptly crossing the median line between Taiwan and China, with ship-borne helicopters launching an attack to seize key military infrastructure in Taiwan.The exercise came a week after China’s first and only aircraft carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait.The exercise saw coordinated operations by the army’s tank battalions and aviation units, while the 10th Army Command dispatched M109 howitzers, M60A3 main battle tanks, CM33 Clouded Leopard armored vehicles, AH-1W Super Cobras and UH-60M Black Hawks to repel the mock enemy units and retake occupied facilities.The Clouded Leopards displayed their ability to mount steep slopes, with M60A3 tanks rumbling over a car used as an enemy barricade.Special forces troops were dropped from helicopters to engage the mock enemy, while paratroopers performed precision jumps to land at designated locations.First Lieutenant Chen Pin-fen (陳品棻), the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot, was controlling an AH-1W Super Cobra during the exercise.Chen, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute in the US, completed her flight training at the end of last year and was assigned to the Republic of China Army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command.Compared with general helicopters, which are used in search and rescue missions and transportation, attack helicopters are difficult to manage and have complex weapons systems, she said, adding that she had spent a considerable amount of time mastering the machine.“My dream was to become an attack-helicopter pilot. It is a unique challenge. I like challenges and coping with them,” she said.Chen was trained as a pilot at the Republic of China Military Academy and was selected to study in the US, where she broke records in swimming and graduated with distinction.Her decision to train as a combat helicopter pilot was motivated by US soldiers’ aspirations to fight on the front lines, she said.Women rarely choose to fly the AH-1W SuperCobra because it involves intense physicality to control the aircraft in an emergency situation when the hydraulic system fails, but she mastered the skill, Chen said.Chen said her next goal is to pilot Apache helicopters, one of the nation’s most advanced combat aircraft.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
(中央社莫斯科17日綜合外電報導)俄羅斯總統蒲亭今天發動反擊,痛批有關俄國情報機構拍下美國總統當選人川普在莫斯科召妓影片的傳聞,指控將卸任的美國政府力圖藉此抹黑川普,行為「比娼妓還不如」。 美聯社報導,蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)這番談話反映出克里姆林克對美國總統歐巴馬政府的強烈憤怒。白宮對蒲亭的指控不願作出回應。 美國日前傳出有未獲證實的檔案顯示,川普據稱曾在莫斯科一家旅館召妓,過程遭俄國情報機構偷拍。蒲亭怒斥這項檔案「造假」,根本是「胡說八道」。 他又說,儘管川普在總統大選贏得「令人信服」的勝利,歐巴馬政府仍力圖「破壞這位總統當選人的正當性」。 蒲亭表示:「有人下令炮製這種不利美國總統當選人的假資料,杜撰它們之後用於政治鬥爭,這些人比娼妓還不如。這凸顯出西方政治菁英墮落程度的嚴重,包括美國在內。」 這份文件宣稱,川普2013年為環球小姐選美會前往莫斯科時,俄國間諜機構蒐集到他的這些黑資料。但蒲亭諷刺文件作者異想天開。 他說,川普「當時還不是政治人物,我們甚至不知道他有政治野心。他們是否認為我們的特勤機構會盯住每個美國百萬富翁?」 蒲亭還挖苦說,川普在選美會看遍世界美女,大有機會找到比莫斯科妓女更好的女伴,儘管俄國妓女「也是世界頂尖的」。1060117
- 信用貸款率利計算 我想申請創業貸款,哪裡辦創業貸款比較快核貸
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